Thursday, May 5, 2011

From the Desk of Rev Gale Jones...

"Mother's Day" was proclaimed in 1870 by Julia Ward Howe (the author of the words to the Battle Hymn of Republic) in the United States, and was officially observed on the national level in 1872. On May 14, 1914, U.S. President Woodrow Wilson signed the proclamation that designated the second Sunday in May as Mother's Day.

"Mother's Day" is a time mothers are adored in all parts of the world. Throughout the Bible, God gave respect to the mothers. Though there are numerous scriptures, the one that comes to mind is Deuteronomy 5:16... "Honor your father and your mother, as the LORD your God has commanded you, so that you may live long and that it may go well with you in the land the LORD your God is giving you."

On May 8, 2011, we salute all of our mothers....

God Created Mothers (author unknown)
God knew that little ones need love
so He created mothers
With understanding hearts and
gentle hands that care for others...

They feed us and they hug us
and they help us find our things...
Then later on, they step aside
and let us try our wings...

We know they're always on our side
whatever may befall,
That's why we need them just as much
when we're no longer small...

Yes, God created mothers
to give love their whole lives through...
That's why they're treasured very much
especially one like you!


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Saint Paul's Baptist Church Cub Scouts

The Saint Paul's Baptist Church Cub Scouts has it's den meetings on Tuesdays from 6:30 to 8pm in the children's wing at the Saint Paul's Baptist Church at the Creighton Campus. The pack serves boys in first through fifth grades, offering fun programs that build character and help boys grow up to become responsible men. Activities include camp-outs, hikes, crafts, rocketry, and pinewood derby and community service in a boy-centered environment.

They have the following Events coming up soon:

· May 28, 2011 Cub Scout Fishing Derby

· June 25,2011 Pack Cookout (Hadad's Lake)

· July 6-9,2011 Cub Scout Day Camp

· July 17-21,2011 Webelos Adventure Camp

For more information, visit
Interested in joining Cub Scouts? Want to volunteer? Email the pack at

SPBC Mixed Bowling

Join the SPBC Mixed Bowling Group! bowl for Jesus in fellowship and fun. Connecting the faith community with one another. Bowling begins on May 15, 2011 at 5PM at AMF Hanover Lanes, 7317 Bell Creek Road, Mechanicsville, VA.
This is a 10 week commitment on Sunday afternoons. The cost is $9 per youth (includes three games of bowling, shoes, ball, and a banquet/awards ceremony held at the end of the season).

For more information, contact Livingston Rush at (804) 232-3182.

Volunteer Drive for KIDZ Encounter and Zion Zone

Sunday May 15 and 22Before and After 8AM and 10AM services at the Creighton Road Campus.
We are looking for volunteers to serve on Sundays in Zion Zone and Thursday Night Encounters. Help is needed for all age groups 0-12. We are looking for teachers, assistant teachers, registration, and a call team. A one time training session is needed and is available twice a month to meet your scheduling needs.

Let's be the vessel to help the children receive a strong foundation in God!

The Joy Choir Needs You!

The Joy Choir Needs You!
The Joy Choir is in need of parent volunteers. Parent volunteers will assist with weekly rehearsals (bathroom assistance, etc) as well as assist with performances on 4th Sundays.
If you are interested, please email your name (first & last) and contact number to Thank you in advance for your assistance!

Community and Kids Day

The Antionette V Irving Foundation in conjunction with the Salvation Army Boys and Girls Club Open House will sponsor Community and Kids Day in Richmond's East End on Saturday, May 21, 2011 from 11AM-3PM at 3701 R Street.

Activities will include a basketball exhibition, face painting, moon beams, air walks, steppers, health screenings, gospel choirs, food venders, and much more!

For more information, call (804) 350-2554 or visit

Monday, May 2, 2011

Background Check for Joy Choir Parents and Volunteers

Parents & Current Volunteers,
Background checks will be conducted this evening (Monday, May 2, 2011) at Joy Choir Rehearsal.  All persons interested in volunteering to serve with the Joy Choir are required to pass a background check.  Please have a picture ID with you.